Research focus
The fields of catalysis and inorganic chemical are driven by a growing need for better chemistry. The importance of sustainability and environmental concerns are demanding rapid and continueous advancements, driving the field towards more effective and efficient reactions. To this end, both experimental and theoretical understanding is required. These often stand at a distance, a stark contrast between the lab-work of quantitative analysis and mathematical DFT-calculations. The gap in between them goes beyond the metaphorical; The speed of most chemical reactions is too fast for direct observation.
Several spectroscopic techniques and in-situ studies have sought to bridge this gap, by allowing the direct detection of chemical intermediates. This remains one of the Holy Grails of Catalysis. This project seeks to develop dissolution DNP NMR as a new analytical tool for inorganic and catalytic chemistry to this purpose. Several metabolic and medical studies have already demonstrated the wide applicability of d-DNP-NMR. As an analytical technique, NMR is remarkable extensive; Everything available in solution is observed. The inherent lack of sensitivity is the major drawback of the technique, but the addition of hyperpolarization amends this easily. The resulting technique is analytically broad, but still sensitive and fast. These qualities are ideal for the direct observation of chemical intermediates and the accurate elucidation of catalytic mechanisms. This study seeks to develop d-DNP-NMR as method for analysis, further encompassing inorganic chemistry and catalysis.
The project contributes to the mission of HYPERMAG by developing d-DNP-NMR as an analytical tool for catalysis and inorganic chemistry, providing insight into catalytic intermediates, elucidating reaction mechanism and opening up a this exciting new field of research.
Scientific output
Find Andreas' publications at DTU's online research database ORBIT.
The project is funded by the Danish National Research Foundation as part of the HYPERMAG Center of Excellence (DNRF124) and DTU Chemistry.
Associate Professor Susanne Mossin, Professor Jan Ardenkjær-Larsen, Professor Jens Ø. Duus and Senior Researcher Magnus Karlsson.
Project Period
December 2015 - November 2018