HYPERMAG Publications

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Method and apparatus to hyperpolarize materials for enhanced mr techniques

Urbahn, John A. (Inventor) ; Leach Arthur, Michael (Inventor) ; Ardenkjær-Larsen, Jan Henrik ; Ernst Stautner , Wolfgang (Inventor)
Patent no.: US2014123681, Date: 2014-05-08

Type: Patent

Status: Published     |    Year: 2014


Process for the preparation of hyperpolarized derivatives for use in mri analysis

Aime, Silvio (Inventor) ; Battista Giovenzana, Giovanni (Inventor) ; Tedoldi, Fabio (Inventor) ; Jensen, Pernille Rose ; Karlsson, Magnus ; Lerche, Mathilde Hauge ; Colombo Serra, Sonia (Inventor)
Patent no.: EP2766050, Date: 2014-08-20

Type: Patent

Status: Published     |    Year: 2014


Composition comprising acetic anhydride and a gadolinium complex, and method for the use in hyperpolarisation mri analysis.

Lerche, Mathilde Hauge ; Karlsson, Magnus ; Jensen, Pernille Rose ; Colombo Serra, Sonia (Inventor) ; Visigalli, Massimo (Inventor) ; Aime, Silvio (Inventor) ; Tedoldi, Fabio (Inventor)
Patent no.: WO2013083535, Date: 2013-06-13

Type: Patent

Status: Published     |    Year: 2013


Fluid path system for dissolution and transport of a hyperpolarized material

Urbahn, John Arthur (Inventor) ; Ardenkjær-Larsen, Jan Henrik ; Leach, Andrew Michael (Inventor) ; Telfeyan, Eric John (Inventor) ; Dietrich, David Key (Inventor) ; Whitt, David Brandon (Inventor) ; Miller, Peter (Inventor) ; Stautner, Ernst Wolfgang (Inventor)
Patent no.: EP20130150859, Date: 2013-07-17

Type: Patent

Status: Published     |    Year: 2013


Folded waveguide resonator

Zhurbenko, Vitaliy
Patent no.: WO2013139656, Date: 2012-03-20

Type: Patent

Status: Published     |    Year: 2013


Process for preparing hyperpolarized substrates and method for mri

Aime, Silvio (Inventor) ; Battista Giovenzana, Giovanni (Inventor) ; Tedoldi, Fabio (Inventor) ; Maiocchi, Alessandro (Inventor) ; Uggeri, Fulvio (Inventor) ; Jensen, Pernille Rose ; Karlsson, Magnus ; Lerche, Mathilde Hauge ; Visigalli , Massimo (Inventor) ; Crosetti, Marco (Inventor) ; Poggi, Luisa (Inventor)
Patent no.: EP2555803, Date: 2013-02-13

Type: Patent

Status: Published     |    Year: 2013


Electron spin resonance imaging scanner

Ardenkjær-Larsen, Jan Henrik ; Murray, Jonathan Alan (Inventor) ; Robb, Fraser John Laing (Inventor) ; Hurd, Ralph Eugene (Inventor) ; Taracila, Victor (Inventor)
Patent no.: WO2011137203, Date: 2011-11-03

Type: Patent

Status: Published     |    Year: 2011


Method for the production of hyperpolarized 129Xe

Ardenkjær-Larsen, Jan Henrik ; Hansson, Lennart (Inventor) ; Johannesson, Haukur (Inventor) ; Servin, Rolf (Inventor) ; Wistrand, Lars-Goran (Inventor)
Patent no.: US8003077, Date:

Type: Patent

Status: Published     |    Year: 2011


Mr imaging agent or medium compressing hzperpolarised 13c alanine and methods of imaging wherein such an imaging medium is used.

Gisselsson, Anna (Inventor) ; Hansson, Georg (Inventor) ; Månsson, Sven (Inventor) ; In't Zandt , Rene (Inventor) ; Karlsson, Magnus ; Jensen, Pernille Rose ; Lerche, Mathilde Hauge
Patent no.: EP2237801, Date: 2010-10-13

Type: Patent

Status: Published     |    Year: 2010


Apparatus and method for a fully automated preparation of a hyperpolarizing imaging agent

Al-Khalidy, Abdul Rahman Abdallah (Inventor) ; Campbell, Bruce (Inventor) ; Urbahn, John Arthur (Inventor) ; Ardenkjær-Larsen, Jan Henrik ; Staudinger, Vincent Paul (Inventor) ; Roy , Jaydeep (Inventor)
Patent no.: US7633290, Date: 2010-03-25

Type: Patent

Status: Published     |    Year: 2009