Summer School on Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP)

Monday 04 Apr 16
by Signe Rømer Holm


Jan Henrik Ardenkjær-Larsen
Head of Department, Professor
DTU Health Tech
+45 40 27 27 75

2016 DNP Summer School held 22 August - 26 August in Switzerland

The 2016 Summer School on Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) will be held from 22 - 26 August 2016.

The summer school adresses PhD students and young researchers. Focus will be on theoretical and experimental aspects of dynamic nuclear polarization in the solid state.

There is a limited number of places. Further information on program and preregistration form is available here. Register before 13 May 2016

It is organized jointly by the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, the Paul Scherrer Institute and GE Healthcare.

Main lecturer: Prof. W. Th. Wenckebach

Invited lecturers:

  • Prof. J. H. Ardenkjaer-Larsen, Technical University of Denmark
  • Prof. S. Vega, Weizmann Institute of Science
  • Prof. Matthew E. Merritt, The University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center

Venue is Tramelan, Switzerland. It is reachable by public transport from Zürich Airport, Basel Euro Airport and Lausanne.

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