Several researchers from the HYPERMAG team are presenting their latest work at the upcoming ISMRM Conference 22-27 April 2017.
The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) is a multi-disciplinary nonprofit association that promotes innovation, development, and application of magnetic resonance (MR) techniques in medicine and biology throughout the world. The annual conference provides a bridge between scientific and clinical MR scientific work and promotes the application of emerging technical solutions to healthcare and clinical needs.
Center for Hyperpolarization in Magnetic Resonance is committed to addressing basic scientific questions of hyperpolarization by providing a theoretical and experimental basis of the magnetic resonance signal and optimal ways of extracting information about the system to enable new vistas in medicine, biology and chemistry.
ISMRM is an important platform to present our work to the research community. From the HYPERMAG team, the following people are presenting posters:
Daniel Højrup Johansen: Practical aspects of preamplifier designs for 13C imaging.
Rie Beck Hansen: Improved reconstruction for IDEAL spiral CSI.
Juan Diego Sanchez: Improved Decoupling for 13C Coil Arrays Using Non-Conventional Matching and Preamplifier Impedance.
Abubakr Eldirdiri: Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging of Hyperpolarized 13C in a Clinical System with Reduced Chemical Shift Artifacts.
Lars G. Hanson: Day 1 of MRI and NMR education: Interactive visualization of MR basics.
Vitaliy Zhurbenko: Microstrip Resonator for High Field MRI with Capacitor-Segmented Strip and Ground Plane.