Grand Opening of NMR Center DTU on 13 December 2016

Tuesday 15 Nov 16
by Signe Rømer Holm


Jens Øllgaard Duus
Vice Dean
Office for Study Programmes and Student Affairs
+45 45 25 24 51


Jan Henrik Ardenkjær-Larsen
Head of Department, Professor
DTU Health Tech
+45 40 27 27 75

On 13 December 2016 the NMR Center DTU is officially inaugurated.

Find program and registration information for the inauguration here.

The NMR Center DTU is situated at DTU Chemistry, a collaboration partner in DTU Elektro's HYPERMAG Center of Excellence.

We congratulate our collaboration partners at DTU Chemistry with their new NMR center and look forward to working with you in the new core facilities.

NMR spectroscopy is a powerful technique offering detailed information on chemical and biological processes and systems. A drawback of the technique is its inherent low sensitivity due to the small magnetic moment of nuclei under study. HYPERMAG is among other things investigating signal enhanced NMR through hyperpolarization using dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization, enabling the study of complex structures and processes previously not visible as well as potential reduction of experimental acquisition time.

Read more about the NMR Center DTU at their website

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