Contact and Directions

For questions and further information, contact Center Leader Jan Henrik Ardenkjær-Larsen or Pernille Rose Jensen.

HYPERMAG is situated on Technical University of Denmark's Lyngby campus. 

Technical University of Denmark
Department of Health Technology
Center for Hyperpolarization in Magnetic Resonance
Oersteds Plads, Building 349, 1st floor
DK -2800 Kongens Lyngby

You can reach HYPERMAG by car or public transportation. 

Several busses stop near by and Lyngby Station is 2 km away with more bus and train connections. For more information, visit


Jan Henrik Ardenkjær-Larsen
Head of Department, Professor
DTU Health Tech
+45 40 27 27 75


Pernille Rose Jensen
Groupleader, Associate Professor
DTU Health Tech
+45 45 25 36 88