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A 10-20,000 fold enhancement of the MR-scanner’s signals makes it possible to follow the metabolism of a single cell and thereby analyse how aggressively cancer develops...
Assoc Prof Lars G. Hanson has received a Lundbeck Foundation Experiment grant for high-risk/high-impact idea for development of novel health technology.
Wenjun Wang has joined the HYPERMAG Center of Excellence as a PhD student.
HYPERMAG is looking for a Postdoc or PhD student. Application deadline is 15 September.
On Monday 8 July 2019, PhD student Mohammed M. Albannay from Center for Hyperpolarization in Magnetic Resonance succesfully defended his PhD thesis on Triple resonant electromagnetic...
On Wednesday 2 July 2019, PhD student Rie Beck Hansen from Center for Hyperpolarization in Magnetic Resonance succesfully defended her PhD thesis on Parallel imaging for...
Hvidovre Hospitals forskningsenhed for MR-skanning vil takket være to studenterprojekter fremover kunne modtage billeder af leveren og hjernevæv i langt bedre opløsning...
Hyperpolariseret magnetisk resonans giver et unikt indblik i kræftcellers stofskifte, som på sigt kan skåne patienter med prostatakræft for unødvendig behandling.
Lars G. Hanson has developed new interactive educational tools for basic NMR and MRI teaching.
On Thursday 14 March 2019, PhD student Daniel Højrup Johansen from Center for Hyperpolarization in Magnetic Resonance succesfully defended his PhD thesis on Cryogenic...